boy names


Names for Boys

Boys’ names have their comfort zone, names that everyone can relate to like John or James, Robert or Frank. People react favorably to what they know and it’s reassuring to relate to well known names. It helps in the process or remembering names, which some people find difficult.

You can meet two people both called James , John, Sam or Bob and they are different characters but united by their names. It’s quite special to find yourself talking to someone with the same first name. Names such as Chad, Logan or Tyler are more common in America than elsewhere in other English speaking countries.

It is also important to consider the boy’s middle name and how it blends with his first name and family name.  is a perfect site for more information on names for boys.

Names from the bible are still very popular such as Sam, Ethan, Daniel, Josh or Ben. This is part of our cultural history as well as religious beliefs, which we naturally respond to. Many parents choose their boy’s name as well as their middle name because it sounds right and they will often speak the names out loud before they decide on them. The link between names and identity is difficult to define completely but it is an important element in a boy’s persona and self image.

This is why choosing unusual or even weird names for a boy can result in them changing their names when they get older. Boys can be subject to ridicule if their names are unusual at school,where they may be teased unmercifully. The boy’s name has been chosen for him by his parents and should provide a bond between them as he grows up.

One American custom is to place a numeral after a name if the son is given the same name as his parents or forbearers thus John H. Mason II . This is not followed in other English speaking countries. It is quite common for a boy to be named after his forbearers like his grandfather or uncle or perhaps his father. This reinforces the feeling of family solidarity and tradition, which many feel is important.

One quite interesting question is how to name twins. It seems that generally alliteration and similar sounding names are often chosen because twins, after all share similar characteristics. Thus similar sounding names like Daniel and David, or Jacob and Joshua may be chosen. There is no obligation however to use similar sounding names and you may find twins called Alexander and Matthew.

There is a category described as “achiever” names for boys and they include names like Andrew, Butler ,Chason, Ewan, Gavin and Hank. One wonders if a name alone is going to indicate that a boy will be an achiever in later life. Families who have been in the same business for years such as, for instance, lawyers, may choose names like Carlson, Atticus or Noble which have appeared on the same brass plate outside the office of the family company for two or three generations. Please visit  to learn more!